Year of birth: 1946
Place of birth: Karcag
Nationality: Hungarian
1969-1973 Szeged Juhász Gyula Teacher Training College
1981-1984 at the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts
Kocsis László
1986 Bertalan Székely Award
2012 Mihály Munkácsy Prize
It transcribes the real experience almost to pure abstraction. His approach is close to the theory of bioromantics preferred by Ernő Kállai.
Born in 1946, in Karcag Hungary.
He graduated from the Juhász Gyula Pedagogical College in Szeged, drawing teacher specialization.
Following he graduated from the Hungarian Academy of Arts. He is a member of the Hungarian Association of Hungarian Creating Artists, the Association of Hungarian Fine Arts and Artists, the Association of Hungarian Painters, and also of the X-Art Association. He is the founding member of the Insula Group, then the Patak Group, and also the Kertalja Colony of Artists. He has received several awards. 1986: Bertalan Székely Award, 1988: Pest County Exhibition, Szentendre, 1989: Painting Prize, Pest County, 1998: Anna (Hintz) Prize, Vác, Miklós Káplár Prize, Hajdúböszörmény, 1999 Painting Prize, Siklós Salon.
His work is not built on a straight line. He loves to take out missed ideas, choosing paths again that
have been closed for eight to ten years (his earlier paths). The subject of his painting is nature, even
though his works formally belong to the range of lyrical abstraction. He always starts with a real
experience („nest mound”). He builds his artwork like the birds are building their nest. Covered and
overpainted fibers and lines o fill the field of art. Some of his works exit from the usual square or
rectangular frame. In the mid-1990s, he composed his pictures of partly disguised plates. His works are close to the bio romantics preferred by Ernő Kállai.
The Horváth & Lukács Gallery is committed to providing special, high-quality picture frames for the artworks presented in the Horváth & Lukács online store. The gallery strives for perfect harmony between the picture frame and the work of art. Thus, the picture frame of this product follows the special color scheme of the picture and creates a real harmonic unity.
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