
The 60’s

    • PICTURE FRAME: Classic inward going golden picture frame
    • ARTIST: János Giczy (1933-2016, Alszopor)
    • YEAR: 1960
    • TITLE: The 60’s
    • TECHNIQUE: Gouache
    • DIMENSIONS INSIDE: 60 cm x 44 cm
    • DIMENSIONS OUTSIDE: 66,5 cm x 50,5 cm
    • TYPE: single piece
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In 1933 János Giczy was born in Alszopor as a child of farmer parents. He finished high school in Sopron. He was already in the process of drawing and painting in his youth. Erno Ágoston and Géza Tolcsvai Nagy were his masters in Sopron.

He completed the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts and then the Eger College of Pedagogy. He taught for two years in Fertőszentmiklós, and from 1959 he was a teacher at the Teachers’ Training Center in Sopron. He has been an artist since 1957 and is a national painter since the seventies. Gradually he developed his own style, his deeply humanistic painting method.

He was almost obsessed with keeping his family’s verbal documents and his findings of peasant life. His ancestors’ life events and memories give him the main theme of his special, distinctive tabloid and altarpieces. After the joint exhibitions, in 1966, his first solo exhibition was held in Sopron. He has appeared several times in Budapest and in several national and international cities o, such as Krakow and Kismarton (Eisenstadt).

His work was shown in Erfurt, Nyitra, and Sofia. He represented the county at the Pannonia Biennale, where he was awarded a prize. Three awards were accepted as a county art prize (1967, 1975, 1984). In 1967, the Horváth-Lukács Gallery published a book of autobiographical writings and paintings entitled “Invitation”. In 2013, the General Assembly of Sopron elected him as an honorary citizen. His work is an example of artistic service and humility.

3 subjects inspire his works: childhood, children, and folk art. From their synthesis, they created their own stylized scenic world. Giczy’s pictures are lyrical expressive works.

“There is no exaggerated gesture, nowhere a dubious art thought, or imagination, it is a full-fledged painting style. It’s a personal world that the usual style categories can only be used for reservations and orientation…

Giczy’s paintings are lyrically expressive works. The painter is an artist of remembrance, he remembers a world that was never alive, but a wished one.

He makes winged altars, on which he presents profane, but reverent scenes, or rather rituals, which are not known exactly if they are from the Bible or from the old peasant life. His figures are subtly drawn, fallible, and embossed. If his gentle female figures lay a bed sheet, it is similar to Veronika’s shawl, if the picture is a sickle somewhere, it is no longer a tool, but is like one a torture device in a naive piety depiction. János Giczy’s palette is lyrical too. He also has a pink and blue phase, but he likes to use the two colors to complement each other. He often thinks of art objects instead of images and pictures, where carpentry and carving are just as much a part of the painting as the painting field itself. First, he builds up his winged altars, then he furnishes them … ”

The Horváth & Lukács Gallery is committed to providing special, high-quality picture frames for the artworks presented in the Horváth & Lukács online store. The gallery strives for perfect harmony between the picture frame and the work of art. Thus, the picture frame of this product follows the special color scheme of the picture and creates a real harmonic unity.

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