
Without Title

    • PICTURE FRAME: Colorful Modern Italian High Class Picture Frame, with normal Glas 
    • ARTIST: Peter Bereznai (Mezőberény 1955- )
    • YEAR: 2021
    • TITLE: Without title
    • TECHNIQUE: Aquarell
    • DIMENSIONS INSIDE:  36 cm x 38 cm
    • DIMENSIONS OUTSIDE: 47,5 cm x 49,5 cm
    • TYPE:single piece
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Péter Bereznai is one of the most outstanding personalities of the current contemporary art scene in Szentendre. Founding member of the Lajos Vajda Studio. The artist was born in Mezőberény (Hungary) in 1955. Munkácsy Prize Awardee. Autodidact. Péter Bereznai is also known as a graphic artist, sculptor and editor. His works are characterized by clarity, carefully selected symbols, colors and layers. Behind the narrow, perhaps seemingly simple world of colors and shapes, there are strong and real content, statements and values that are often bound to separate layers, but which nevertheless embody an expressive unity.

The Horváth & Lukács Gallery is committed to providing special, high-quality picture frames for the artworks presented in the Horváth & Lukács online store . The gallery strives for perfect harmony between the picture frame and the work of art. Thus, the picture frame of this product follows the special color scheme of the picture and creates a real harmonic unity.

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